Thanks for checking out my COVID-19 visualization. Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions at

I started this project when I was researching ways to compare specific information (daily case trends, testing positivity, etc) and was unable to find a convenient source. Data is pulled from the European CDC (Country Level) and The Covid Tracking Project (USA State Level).

Estimated real infections and prevalence (not just confirmed tests) are calculated assuming a general IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) of 0.6% across all demographics (which may vary, particularly based on age of the infected population). I chose this as a midpoint between lower estimates of 0.3% and higher estimates of 1.2%. Working backwards from confirmed deaths, I calculate a real-time estimate of total infections and the percent of the population infected.

After creating this visualization in Google Data Studio, I also shared it with some friends and colleagues. They shared it and suggested I make it more widely available.

As for me, my name is Jeremy Goldberg. I work as an independent management consultant, and as a photographer and director in the USA and Asia. Clients have included NBC Universal, Hakuhodo, YouTube, Amazon Japan, Adweek, Conde Nast, News Corp, Shueisha, etc.

I am a big believer that good data drives good decisions.

If you have any business inquiries, please contact me at

Thanks and stay safe!

[if this hasn't wasted enough of your time, you can also find an article I wrote on masks and PCR testing: Why your COVID-19 test was wrong.]